Once we had our heads wrapped around who we are, we could start thinking about what that looks like. The decision was made early on that the G2 branding would be rather reserved and toned down and that the focus, especially for our website, would be to make our design, digital and website portfolio do the talking.
To that end the logo was handled in a simple typographic manner with the G2 monogram delicately made, based on the quotation marks hidden inside both the G and the 2. The corporate colour scheme was also toned down to a selection of grey tones and a coral orange to act as a highlight colour when some visual impact was needed now and then.
For all the stationery and other corporate material, a very minimal and clean look was chosen. In a sense this made the elements reserved and perhaps a little more serious. The plan is that levity can be brought in on the correct material by means of copywriting.